Adult & Senior Eye Exams in Carbondale, Dingmans Ferry, Honesdale, & Lake Ariel

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Comprehensive, Preventive Care

Regular eye examinations are crucial for maintaining optimal vision and overall eye and systemic health. Having your eyes checked annually ensures early detection of many potential issues. Moreover, comprehensive eye exams can detect serious ocular conditions like glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration as well as systemic conditions like diabetes and hypertension before they significantly impact your vision or overall health.

Early diagnosis and treatment not only preserve your eyesight but also contribute to your overall well-being. Whether you have perfect vision or currently wear corrective lenses, regular visits to an eye care professional are essential for lifelong eye health and clear vision.

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The When & Why of Eye Exams

The American Optometric Association recommends low-risk adult patients have an eye exam every 2 years until age 65, when they should have annual eye exams.

Patients who wear contacts, have a very high prescription, have a vision condition, or live with other health conditions like diabetes may need more frequent exams as recommended by their optometrist. We will work with you to determine a personalized schedule.

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What Happens During an Eye Exam?

When you walk into our practice, you’ll be greeted by our friendly team. If you’re a new patient, we’ll ask questions about your health history, lifestyle, and current medications and answer any questions you have.

It is important that you provide us with the most comprehensive medical history and any medications you may be taking, as these can affect your ocular health.
During your exam, we will thoroughly evaluate both the internal and external structures of your eyes using proven technology. We will measure your visual acuity to determine whether you need corrective lenses, and if you already have them, we’ll check that your prescription is up to date.

We may also assess your color vision, how well the eyes work as a team, depth perception, and the way your pupils respond to light. We use a hand-held ophthalmoscope, and a microscope called a slit lamp to examine your eyes.

With high-resolution fundus photography and ocular coherence tomography, we can capture images of the eye’s most important structures.

Images of your retina, macula, and optic nerve can give us an up-close look at the blood vessels and other internal structures in these areas, allowing us to observe any anomalies. Keeping the images on file lets us look for any changes between appointments, allowing us to detect and manage eye diseases like glaucoma or age-related macular degeneration.

Ocular Wellness Screening

In addition to your comprehensive eye examination, we also offer an optional ocular wellness screening. 

Optos is a quick and easy scan that takes only a few seconds to capture a digital wide-field retinal image of the back of your eye. This image allows our doctors to see the entirety of your retina in one and aids in the early detection of ocular and systemic disease that presents in the back of the eye. It also allows the eye doctor to compare images year over year to detect any minor changes that may be developing.

The ocular wellness screening also includes the iWellness OCT screening, which images your macula and looks for early changes from macular degeneration and glaucoma.

All of our eye doctors recommend ocular wellness screening for all patients, but it is especially recommended if you have high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, or a family history of macular degeneration or glaucoma. 

Be sure to ask about our ocular wellness screening.

Book Your Appointment Today

Even if you think you have perfect vision, it’s still important to have regular eye exams. Eye diseases can begin without easily noticeable symptoms, so comprehensive eye exams remain essential for assessing and detecting any early signs of sight-threatening conditions.

Prioritize your sight by booking a comprehensive eye exam today.

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Our Locations

Lake Ariel

  • 1315 Lake Ariel Hwy
  • Lake Ariel, PA 18436
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Dingmans Ferry

  • 1409 Route 739
  • Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328
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  • 30 N. Church Street
  • Carbondale, PA 18407
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  • 3319 Lake Ariel Highway
  • Honesdale, PA 18431
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