Dry Eye Treatment in Carbondale, Dingmans Ferry, Honesdale, & Lake Ariel

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Dry Eyes & Dry Eye Disease Are Our Specialties

We understand the frustration and discomfort dry eye causes. Without proper care and adequate relief, dry eye symptoms can become quite a nuisance and interfere with your daily life. If left untreated, dry eye disease can permanently damage your eyes, causing blurred vision, corneal scarring, corneal nerve damage, and irreversible eyelid gland damage.

Dry eye is a multi-factorial condition, and during a dry eye evaluation, our doctors will examine these various factors. The doctors at Precision Eye Group are equipped to provide the comprehensive relief you need using a wide range of technology-driven diagnostic methods and therapeutic treatments.

We’re dedicated to providing quality care in all areas of your eye health. You don’t have to live with the unpleasantness of dry eye—it is our job to prevent long-term irreversible damage. We’re here to help.

Schedule an appointment with us today.

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OptiLIGHT by Lumenis

OptiLIGHT by Lumenis is a light-based, non-invasive treatment done in the area below the eyes to manage dry eye. The first and only intense pulsed light (IPL) FDA-approved for dry eye management.

The treatment is safe, and gentle, and is backed by more than 58 clinical studies.

Learn more on our OptiLIGHT by Lumenis today.

What Is Dry Eye?

Tears are essential for maintaining your eye health. They lubricate your eyes, wash away dust and debris, and fight infection. When you don’t have enough tears, your eyes can become dry, irritated, and damaged. Dry eye is a chronic condition that occurs when your eyes don’t produce enough tears or the tears they produce are of poor quality. 

Depending on the cause of dry eye, there are 2 main types: evaporative dry eye and aqueous tear deficiency.

Evaporative Dry Eye

Evaporative dry eye (EDE) is the most common type of dry eye. It occurs when the oil layer in your tear film isn’t functioning properly, leading to increased tear evaporation.

EDE is usually caused by meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), which occurs when the oil glands in your eyelids become blocked or inflamed. For this reason, your tears won’t have the right amount of oil in them, and they’ll evaporate faster than normal.

Aqueous tear deficiency (ATD) is less common and occurs when your tear glands don’t produce enough of the watery layer of your tears to properly lubricate your eye.

ATD can be caused by several different reasons, including age, autoimmune conditions, or medical conditions like blepharitis, rosacea, and thyroid disease.

Our Treatments for Your Dry Eye

There are a vast number of treatment options for dry eye that can help alleviate symptoms and correct the underlying causes of your dry eye issues. 

At Precision Eye Group, we take a holistic approach to treating dry eye disease, starting with a dry eye evaluation visit. This specialized visit is dedicated entirely to the front surface of your eyes. During this visit, we will ask targeted questions to explore possible reasons why you have dry eye to begin with.

Treatment Options

Our team is proud to offer several reliable therapies for addressing dry eye:

  • Intent pulsed light therapy targets dysfunctional meibomian glands with precise pulses of light to stimulate oil production and improve tear quality.
  • BlephEx removes debris, bacteria, and biofilm from your eyelids and lashes.
  • TearCare uses targeted thermal pulsation technology that applies heat directly to the eyelids to break down buildup in the meibomian glands and tear quality. 

We also offer other dry eye solutions, such as: 

  • Punctal plugs
  • Medicated eye drops
  • Gland expression
  • Eyelid debridement
  • Omega-3 supplements
  • Eye masks & eyelid sprays

Everyone is different, so our goal is to find the approach that works for you.

Get Long-Lasting Dry Eye Relief

Dry eye leaves you with an annoying feeling in your eye that can get in the way of your daily life. If left untreated, it can lead to vision problems, infections, and corneal damage. But it doesn’t have to be a constant struggle. With available therapies, you can experience long-lasting relief.

Book an appointment with us today.

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Our Locations

Lake Ariel

  • 1315 Lake Ariel Hwy
  • Lake Ariel, PA 18436
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Dingmans Ferry

  • 1409 Route 739
  • Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328
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  • 30 N. Church Street
  • Carbondale, PA 18407
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  • 3319 Lake Ariel Highway
  • Honesdale, PA 18431
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