Specialty & Medical Contact Lenses in Carbondale, Dingmans Ferry, Honesdale, & Lake Ariel

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Premium Specialty & Medical Lenses for Clearer Vision

We offer several specialty and medical lenses to help improve and correct your vision. 

Specialty and medical contacts can help address eye conditions, such as keratoconus, photophobia, dry eye, astigmatism, and many others. Each lens serves a different purpose, so Dr. Sparks will work closely with you to find a lens that works for your needs.

Book an appointment at one of our offices for a personal eyewear consultation.

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The Fitting Process

Prescribing medically necessary contact lenses (MNCL) is a process. Every patient’s eyes and vision needs are different. These lenses are customized specifically to your eyes, and it may take several visits to complete a lens design that not only fits well but provides adequate vision and exceptional comfort.

Scleral Lenses: What They Do & How They Work

A scleral contact lens is a specialty gas-permeable lens custom-fitted for your eyes. It works especially well for those with corneal disease, scarring, dystrophies, or past corneal surgeries. 

They also offer clarity and comfort for patients with dry eyes or those previously told they were not good candidates for standard contact lenses.

Sharpen Your Vision with Prosthetic Contact Lenses

Prosthetic contact lenses by EyePrint Prosthetics use precise 3D scans of the surface of your eyes to create specialty lenses that perfectly match your unique eye shape. They’re similar to scleral lenses—made from the same material, vault over the cornea, and rest on the sclera (the whites of the eyes)—but go a step further to match the unique irregularities of your eyes.

These prosthetic contact lenses can significantly benefit those with eye conditions, such as dry eye, corneal disease, scarring, dystrophies, or past corneal surgeries, and offer improved clarity and comfort.

Other Contact Lenses We Offer

We also offer a wide range of specialty contact lenses to help various issues ranging from light sensitivity and poor night vision to deformity and corneal conditions. Our team is deeply committed to helping you find the lenses that enhance your eyesight.

Synergeyes Hybrid Lenses

Enjoy the sharp vision from the gas-permeable center and the comfort of the soft outer ring. These hybrid contact lenses have a gas-permeable center and a soft outer skirt, providing the best of both worlds. Hybrid lenses are a good option for those with nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, or keratoconus.

Tinted soft contact lenses help correct your vision and are also tinted or colored to help those who suffer from migraines and severe photophobia (light sensitivity).

A prosthetic soft contact lens is designed to cover deformities in the eye and can be matched to your natural eye color. These lenses also block light to help reduce light sensitivity and double vision.

Rigid Gas-Permeable Lenses

Rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses are made from a special hard plastic that is more durable than soft contact lenses, provides sharper vision, and allows more oxygen through to your cornea. They’re also more resistant to protein and debris buildup.

RGP lenses may be less comfortable than soft lenses in the beginning. It usually takes a few weeks to adjust to them.

Toric contacts are designed to correct astigmatism.

People with astigmatism usually have an abnormally shaped cornea in one or both eyes. Toric lenses have a specific shape that compensates for this abnormality to provide more precise vision correction.

Transitioning contact lenses automatically darken in response to the level of light, fading quickly from dark to clear (within 90 seconds) when going from outdoors to indoors.

They provide an extra level of UV protection when worn with sunglasses and can help reduce light sensitivity.

Enhance Your Vision with Specialty Contacts

Whether you need specific vision correction or have dry eye or corneal irregularities, we have a contact lens that can cater to your unique vision and needs.

Schedule an appointment at one of our offices to check out our specialty and medical contact lenses.

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Our Locations

Lake Ariel

  • 1315 Lake Ariel Hwy
  • Lake Ariel, PA 18436
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Dingmans Ferry

  • 1409 Route 739
  • Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328
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  • 30 N. Church Street
  • Carbondale, PA 18407
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  • 3319 Lake Ariel Highway
  • Honesdale, PA 18431
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